FamBod Privacy & Data Policy

This policy was last modified on November 2nd, 2023. You can see previous versions of our privacy policy privacy@fambod.com

Your privacy is important to us at FamBod. We appreciate you trusting us with some of your personal information, and we take our responsibility seriously.

Our privacy policy & data (the “Privacy Policy”) explains the information we collect, how we use and share it, how to manage your privacy settings, and your rights in connection to when you use our FamBod applications, software, websites, APIs and services (collectively, “FamBod”).

Unless indicated otherwise, this Privacy Policy does not apply to third party products or services or the practices of companies that we do not own or control, including other companies you might interact with in or through FamBod.

Questions or comments about this Privacy Policy can be submitted by email to privacy@fambod.com

Personal Data Controller

The company responsible for the processing of your personal data is:

Company Name

FamBod LLC

Corporate Identity No




Virginia, USA.

Processing Your Information

FamBod collects, uses, shares and otherwise processes information we have about you for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, including:

  • Where you have consented to the processing, which you can revoke at any time. For example, you may consent to the processing of health-related information.
  • Where necessary to comply with legal obligation, a court order, or to exercise and defend legal claims.
  • Where you have made the information public.
  • Where necessary in the public interest, such as academic studies
  • Where necessary for the purposes of FamBod’s or a third party’s legitimate interest, such as those of visitors, members or partners.

We do this in order to provide and improve FamBod by providing and developing tailored offerings to you as a user on a sustained basis, as well as to keep FamBod safe and secure by protecting against fraud, spam and abuse etc

Information FamBod Collects

FamBod collects information about you, including information that directly or indirectly identifies you, if you choose to share it with FamBod. We receive information in multiple ways, including when you complete a workout or record other activities using FamBod. FamBod also collects information about how you use FamBod.

Account information

We collect information such as name, email address, username, country and language to help us secure access to FamBod if you create an account.

Use information

We collect information about when you choose to work out (including date, time, exercise information etc), or otherwise use FamBod.

Health information

Upon given consent, we collect health information. Health information such as weight, height, gender, date of birth, heart rate during workouts, activities, workout sessions, distance and speed data can be taken. This information will be used to create a customized fitness plan for you. Also, this information may be used during a workout session to better understand your performance, and possibly to provide an overview of your performance with graphs and other statistics. This information may also be collected from other sources, for example if you choose to connect the FamBod app with other (third party) apps – e.g. Google Fit or Apple Health, when and if available. When you choose to have this data imported you are subject to the Google Fit and Apple HealthKit privacy policies and practices.

We also record health information you provide about your child, such as weight, height, gender, and date of birth. We will use this information to customize your fitness plan to better suit your and your child’s needs.

You have control over what data is stored and accessed between the different apps and you can modify these settings at any time. We do not collect information about you from any third party source unless you tell us (or the app) to do so. You can withdraw your consent to FamBod processing your health information at any time.

Third-Party Accounts

If you choose to sign up and log in to FamBod using accounts you created with third-party services such as Apple, Facebook, Google, or others (collectively, “Third-Party Accounts”) we will collect information that you agreed to make available such as name, email address and profile information. This information is collected by the Third-Party Account provider and is provided to FamBod under their privacy policies. You can generally control what information they share with us by using their privacy settings.

Contact information

If you choose to provide us with your contact information, for example by emailing us, we will use this to respond to support requests and comments.

Technical information

We collect technical information from the devices you use to access FamBod. This information is used to analyze trends and protect and secure FamBod. The information collected includes network information; including IP addresses, timestamps, log files, operating system, and information about your device.

How We Use Information

FamBod collects information about you, FamBod uses the information we collect to operate and improve FamBod as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy. For example, we use your health information to provide you with a personalized fitness plan and workout recommendations.

We also use your information to analyze and improve FamBod. To accomplish this FamBod may use third party providers to analyze and gain insight into how FamBod is used and to help us improve FamBod.

We may use your email address to send you service and marketing related notices if you have agreed to receive such messages. Those emails can be unsubscribed from with clear and simple instructions in the email. We may also use your email address to notify you on updates to our Privacy Policy or Terms of Use.

We use your device information to send you notifications about events that occur in FamBod. You can always control what notifications you receive from FamBod from the Settings section in the applications. We also use your information to respond to you when you contact us. FamBod will use your information to communicate with you, for example by sending you notifications.

How Information Is Shared

We may share anonymous, aggregate statistics with outside parties, such as how many people do a daily workout, most popular workouts, etc.

To analyze, gain insight and improve FamBod we might share de-identified information with third-parties. These third parties will only receive the information needed to perform these specific actions, and FamBod will never share more information than necessary.

Service Providers

We may share your information with third parties who provide services to FamBod such as supporting and improving FamBod or promoting FamBod. These service providers will only have access to the information necessary to perform these limited functions on our behalf and are required to protect and secure your information.

We may also engage service providers to collect information about your use of FamBod over time on our behalf so that we or they may promote FamBod or display information that may be relevant to your interests in FamBod or other websites or services.

Legal Requirements

We may disclose your information in response to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal requirements; to exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims; to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud or abuse, violations of our policies; or to protect our rights and property.

In the future, we may sell to, buy, merge with, or partner with other businesses. In such transactions, user information may be among the transferred assets.

How We Protect Information

We work hard to keep your data safe in FamBod from the collection, transmission and storage of the data we collect. We use a combination of technical controls to maintain the security of your data. This includes using industry standard Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt many of our services and ensure that information is transmitted and stored securely in FamBod. In addition to this, we protect this information using advanced firewall technology.

Although we use a combination of industry standards to maintain the security of your data, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be absolutely secure, and FamBod cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to FamBod. Transmitting personal information is done at your own risk.

Your Rights

FamBod provides options in the Settings to access and control your personal information. If you need any further assistance regarding your rights, feel free to contact us either from the applications or by sending us an email at support@fambod.com

Although we use a combination of industry standards to maintain the security of your data, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be absolutely secure, and FamBod cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to FamBod. Transmitting personal information is done at your own risk.

Privacy Settings

FamBod offers several features and settings to help you manage your privacy and how you share activities. For example, you can make your profile private so no one sees your workout or progress in our services. Most privacy settings are located in the Settings -> Privacy section in FamBod.

Notifications and Email Preferences

You can stop receiving certain notifications by going to Settings -> Notifications in FamBod. You may also unsubscribe by following the clear instructions contained at the bottom of each email. Administrative or service-related emails (to confirm a purchase, updates to Privacy Policy, etc.) generally do not offer an option to unsubscribe as they are necessary to provide the services you requested.

Access Your Data

If you do not have an account then no personal information will be stored outside the device being used. By logging in to your account, you can access much of your information.

You also have the option to download your personal data we have on you, including other information such as all workouts you ever completed or imported when logged in to FamBod.

Deleting Your data

You may delete your account directly from FamBod. Once deleted, your data, including account, activities and all other data cannot be reinstated.

Objecting to Data Use

In FamBod you can control our data use. By using the notification settings you can limit the notifications which you receive from FamBod. You can also opt out of all marketing communications.

Data Retention

We keep information as long as it is necessary to operate FamBod. We keep all of your information until you either delete your account or if your account has been inactive after 3 years of no activity in FamBod, whichever happens first. Following the deletion of your account, it may take up to 30 days to fully delete your personal information from our systems and storage. We delete your data from our servers using current data deletion standards.

Additionally, we may retain information from deleted accounts to comply with the law, prevent fraud, collect fees, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist with investigations, enforce the Terms of Use or take other actions permitted by law. The information we retain will be handled in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Information about you that is no longer necessary and relevant to provide our services may be de-identified and aggregated with other non-personal data to provide insights which are commercially valuable to FamBod, such as statistics of the use of FamBod.


If you are under the age 16 you are not allowed to create an account or submit any personal data through FamBod. We encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children's Internet use and to help us enforce our Privacy Policy by instructing their children to never provide any personal data through FamBod.

If you become aware that a child under the age of 16 has submitted personal data to us, please contact us at privact@FamBod.com.

Information about you that is no longer necessary and relevant to provide our services may be de-identified and aggregated with other non-personal data to provide insights which are commercially valuable to FamBod, such as statistics of the use of FamBod.

If we learn that we have accessed and stored personal information about a child under the minimum required age, we will take steps to delete the information as soon as possible.

Changes to This Policy

FamBod have the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time, so please review it occasionally. We will notify you before we make any substantial changes to this Privacy Policy and give you an opportunity to review the revised policy.

Any and all material changes shall come into effect between you and FamBod upon your acceptance of such changes (e.g. by using FamBod after such notification has been made to you or renewing your subscription).

If you object to any change in the Privacy Policy you should immediately delete your account and stop using FamBod.

This policy was last modified on November 2nd, 2023